Thank you for stopping by my site. I am a Pleiadian Starseed who has been conducting private readings for over 3 decades. As a psychic medium, I have the ability to connect with departed souls who made the transition back to spirit. I am a conscious channel, in that I am fully awake when I facilitate communication from the spiritual to the physical realm. This enables me to convey messages and guidance directly from the Angelic and Fairy Kingdoms, as well as Starseeds and other souls residing within the Heavenly Kingdom.

I am also a crystal healer, in that that I am able to scan a person's aura (the outer energy field that surrounds each person like an eggshell and extends outward approximately 6 feet) and realign the flow of their etheric energy, using various crystalline grid patterns to connect to meridian power centers and rejuvenate chakra response.

As a spiritual consultant, I have the ability to quickly ascertain a person's feelings and perspective, then use that perception to guide their actions and inspire lasting changes in their life path.

To request a private appointment by phone, just click on the link below for the type of reading that you would like to schedule. Thank you for visiting here today and for your interest in my services.

Guardian Angel Readings enable you to learn about the angel who is here to guide you throughout your life and keep you focused on the highest spiritual path that you should follow. I will tell you the name of the angel who is working with you, as well as convey any messages that they may have for you at that time. I will also teach you how to communicate directly with your angel, which will enable you to obtain lasting benefits from their wisdom, as they assist you with fulfilling your life contract.

Schedule Guardian Angel Reading

Spiritual Counseling Readings help you to resolve issues and problems and come up with viable solutions that have the most spiritually productive outcomes and bring to the forefront what you wish to achieve in this life, as well as outline important challenges you will encounter along your journey. This reading is especially beneficial for anyone who feels that they have reached a crossroads in their life and are looking for the next steps to take that will help them to achieve what they desire.

Schedule Spiritual Counseling Reading

Psychic Readings provide in depth insight about yourself as well as the people that you associate with and highlight important issues that should be brought to your attention. This type of reading encompasses a broad spectrum of subject matter, which makes it ideally suited for someone who desires spiritual guidance, but would be more inclined to try a conventional reading that touches on several aspects of their life. Most people looking for spiritual guidance start with a Psychic reading.

Schedule Psychic Reading

Spirit Readings are emotionally uplifting for someone who is grieving over the loss of a beloved family member or life partner who has passed away. It offers you the opportunity to communicate with loved ones to hear how they have been doing since they made their transition to spirit and it will enable you to still feel connected to them. I communicate telepathically with spirits using my empathic, clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient abilities.

Schedule Spirit Reading

Past Life Readings enable you to understand who you are and why you act the way you do, as you hear about who you once were in one or more of your previous or past lives. Most souls have lived at least one or more past lives on Earth. I am able to conduct this reading over the telephone, because I can attune to the soul energy of each person, by using information from the Akashic Records, which enables me to view key events from the soul's past.

Schedule Past Life Reading

Soul Mate Readings reveal if you have already met your soul mate or not, as well as describe specific characteristics of the person who is destined to cross paths with you in this lifetime. If you have not met your soul mate yet, I will be able to help guide you toward the time frame when this meeting will occur. I will define and clarify the difference between a Soul Mate and Twin Flame, as there are important distinctions to be made between the two.

Schedule Soul Mate Reading

Pet Spirit Readings are for someone who has lost a loving pet and would appreciate the opportunity to communicate with their spirit to find out how their beloved pet has been doing since it ascended. This reading answers questions you have about pets that are "not living". Quite often there are discrepancies about the true cause of your pet's passing, as opposed to what you thought or were told. There may have been a hidden health problem you were not aware of at the time of their demise.

Schedule Pet Spirit Reading

Pet Psychic Readings are designed for pet owners who would like to understand more about their pet's personality and mannerisms or have been concerned about their pet's behavior or health and want to know what is troubling them and how they can help them to feel better. Pet Psychic readings cover health problems, temperament change, residual side effects from a traumatic incident, refusal to eat and/or obey, sluggishness and listlessness.

Schedule Pet Psychic Reading
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